7 septembre 2018
Le Funlab est ravi d’avoir été le premier fablab français à tester le programme VULCA. Inspiré d’Erasmus, l’idée est simple : favoriser la mobilité des makers pour effectuer des temps d’immersion dans un fablab d’un autre pays européen. Nous avons ainsi accueilli Todor Cvetanovic du 18 juin au 31 juillet au Funlab à Tours, période qui coïncidait avec le rendez-vous mondial des fablabs en France FAB14, l’occasion pour ce jeune maker du GarageLab à Belgrade en Serbie, de se retrouver sur le devant de la scène, de développer son réseau et son expérience.
Ci-dessous, le témoignage (en anglais) de Todor à l’issue de son séjour.
First of all, I’d like to thank the Vulca : European Program and the FunLab for providing me this opportunity at the first place. I can say that I had some fun, it was the FunLab’s experience after all.
During my stay at the city of Tours I got a chance to do some thing that significantly impacted my life. I’ve learnt how to be part of a wider community/team and work with all of them in English. Also, I got a chance to participate in the Final European Students Parliament, the EuroScience Open Forum and Fab14+. I’ve used this opportunity to link with different people and learn from the world’s experts. Also, I’ve represented the Serbian team on all of these events.
When it comes to my staying at the FunLab, I can say that it was quite successful as well. I didn’t complete my mission from the beginning, but I tried to be involved in the community as much as possible. We had some great time together, but I think that our workshops (3D Printing and Arduino Workshops for a group of migrants and Funlab users) were the best part of my experience. Maybe I wasn’t the best maker, but the FunLab and Vulca’s community was definitely much better! When I returned to the Garage Lab, I got a chance to become an official Lab’s associate, and I think that this experience will help me in my future! »